Meet the Artist

Devarati Angela Sammon

Experience the Magic of Devarati Jewellery: Crafted with
Love, Inspired by Life

Greetings! I'm Devarati Angela Sammon, the creative
force behind Devarati Jewellery and a beacon of joy and laughter. My infectious
laughter has touched many hearts across continents.

Inspired by the beauty of nature and the transformative
power of spirituality, I craft exquisite pieces infused with love and
intention. With a blend of precision craftsmanship and mindfulness, my jewelry
serves as a sanctuary from the stresses of modern life, promoting wellness,
awareness, and love.

 At Devarati
Jewellery, we believe in creating a space where you feel known, liked, and
trusted, where every piece tells a unique story and resonates with your journey
and Being.

My journey began with a
fulfilling career as a Chartered Accountant, but my true passion lay in
empowering individuals to embrace the present moment fully.


Through meditation and
retreat facilitation, I discovered a profound love for crafting jewellery that
embodies the essence of spirit, nature, and life itself. Drawing from my
background and passion, I infuse each piece with a personal touch, inviting you
to connect with the story behind the jewellery. By sharing my why and opening
up about my journey, I hope to create a human connection that transcends mere


Ready to embark on this
journey with me? Explore my collections, join my Insider Circle, and become a
VIP member to receive exclusive offers and updates. Let's co-create a world
where beauty, value, and peace reign supreme – one exquisite piece of jewellery
at a time.

I love expressing spirit, nature, and life in my pieces and empowering women to feel beautiful and valuable and peaceful. All of this to assist the wearer to reduce stress from navigating today’s environment and worries and following the chatter of the mind.

I attended George Brown College in Toronto where I obtained a 3-year Jewellery Arts Higher Diploma. My 18k Canoe in Motion ring featured in the final exhibition of Opine-Student National Exhibition. 

In 2013 I received the Gambhir Award for Academic Excellence. In 2012 my presentation of the new square diamond brilliant earned an honorable mention in the 2012 Dream Diam Design competition.

"A piece of jewelry is often a piece of art. But it only becomes valuable when emotions are added to it." (anon)

Devarati Angela Sammon invites you to awareness from a space of Joy with her contagious laughter and a space of greater possibilities and total presence. She brings this awareness into her jewellery designs, business, and personal development consulting.

She draws some of her capacities from The Bright Path Ishayas’ Ascension, Access Consciousness Facilitator training, Joy of Business Facilitator training, Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA, CA) and her goldsmithing and design training with George Brown College.

Able to balance the logic of accounting with the creativity of design and the mindfulness of spiritual practice, Devarati is renowned for both her joie de vivre, kindness, clarity and her ability to bring a broader perspective to any situation. 

  • Gambhir Award for Academic Excellence

    18k Canoe in Motion ring featured in the final exhibition of
    Opine-Student National Exhibition. 

Leisure Time

Devarati, a native of Sudbury, Ontario, enjoys exploring the outdoors. She spends her leisure time canoeing, hiking, locating water falls and many different rocks. If the sign says waterfall this way, we’re stopping for a look!

Spirit of the Canadian Landscape

-expression of peace and aliveness through contemporary jewellery-

I am very inspired by the exploration of Spirit and Stillness and the energy and beauty of the Canadian landscape.

The more I explore Stillness and Spirit, and Be out in nature, the more peace, joy, and alive I feel.

My jewellery shares this experience of peace and aliveness and empowers people to explore more peace while enjoying Life.

The Canadian landscape is used as the backdrop because a person’s journey in the ruggedness and beauty of the Canadian Shield can assist them to discover the stillness and spirit within themselves and everything around them. Their journey is one of discovery, letting go and being at peace and present to the moment.

I delight in creating beautiful custom-designed jewellery to celebrate milestones, accomplishments and to assist the wearer to feel beautiful, present and alive. 

Will you join me in expressing your journey with jewellery that celebrates you and your loved ones?

Contact me and let's see what we can create together and let me know if there is a Devarati design that you would like to add to your wish list.

With Love and Grace,

Devarati Angela Sammon